

Faculty of Theological / Department of Community Sciences / Undergraduate

6B02286 - Philosophy-Religious Studies

Course Image Faculty of Theological Department of Community Sciences

Training of specialists with deep knowledge in the field of philosophy and religious studies, socio-communicative skills and the ability to successfully implement research work, professional competencies and qualifications for the implementation of worldview-value, information and expert-analytical activities.
The educational program regulates the goals, objectives, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, the assessment of the quality of training of graduates in this salad and provides the quality of training for those who own or use the materials of education, the use of technologies in the market of English commerce.

  • Applies his knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of the fields of philosophy and religious studies in solving professional problems.
  • Analyzes religious and philosophical works, defining and revealing religious and moral values and features of the science of religion and philosophy.
  • Conducts expert assessment of religious issues using religious and legal norms.
  • Philosophy Religious studies, the applicant must have a General secondary (full) education or secondary special vocational education, passed the UNT and the final score, scored a threshold score. Applicants coming from abroad are accepted through interviews, provided that they study on a paid basis (for mastering language training and mandatory level of education), (Standard rules for admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of higher and postgraduate education No. 600 dated 31.10.2018).
  • The graduate of the bachelor's degree in the educational program Рhilosophy-Religious Studies was prepared for the field of theory and practice of religion, religious and philosophical problems of man and modern civilization, systems of state power, the field of professional media.
  • Republican, regional, state and municipal bodies;
  • Mass media;
  • Educational and educational institutions of all forms of ownership;
  • Expert Advisory Councils;
  • Public organizations and others.